Hi Jay... It's past Midnight.. meaning now you are speaking to
Pumpster (Conster has turned into a pumpkin)

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 11:04:40 -0800, "Jay P Hailey"

>> Hello Frank,
>> I made the comments that has everyone all in a dither. Is this group
>> only for those that are 100% of the Libertarian thinking or are
>> Independents who don't always agree allowed to post? If it's strictly
>> Libertarian, I will be on my way, as I misunderstood the group.
>> Conster
>Who said you can't post anything?  I didn't hear anyone say that you should 

Jay, Jay, Jay.... By now, you if anyone knows.. I never shut up, no
matter how hard they try.. I misunderstood and wanted to make sure I
wasn't in a group that had changed any rules and/or restrictions.
There have been new rules added to the Used_Kharma that can affect me
directly, but until my IP address doesn't a flip flop again, I guess I
can still hang around and ask my questions and make my menial points..

Pumpster (Hmmm... that could have a really bad connotation... Sounds
like a nasty AOL hot chat room name or something. Better remain.... 

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