Good evening everyone!

I won't try tonight and drag a dead horse through the hoops and
pronounce him 'dead upon arrival'.

Never the less, I get this 'gut wrenching' feeling every time I watch
the evening news [pick your own favourite network or channel], and
find the so-called 'approved' thread on the latest events surrounding
the times we currently live under.

Back in 1994, John F. McManus, President of the John Birch Society,
gave a presentation in Spokane, Washington on a cold winter night, not
only with freezing temperature and a lot of snow and icy conditions on
the ONLY freeway going east and west; but the group sponsoring the
event, had a packed audience nevertheless.

I know this for a fact mainly because I was there. I also have the VHS
tape of that I transcribed into DVD format for future use and resource
material just a few nights ago, but mostly because what he said that
night made a hell of a lot of sense at the time, and probably even
more sense today.

What Mr. McManus said was simply this:  "What has guided America
during the course of my lifetime, has been the mentality of fear".

Consider that tonight folks before you pull the sheets over your head
and go to sleep.  Consider the 'sound bites' we are being fed
constantly by the government, and echoed on mainstream network news
channels, and it doesn't take a very long while before you discover
that's 'the message' we all get a huge dose of each and every day!

America today is engaged in a plethora of several 'wars' actually. 
We've got a lot of wars going on folks.  Every war is a result of a
reaction to fear, and evokes the reality of 'fear', and we've got a
lot of 'em suddenly surfacing over the last several decades, at least
from the 1960s.

Let's start with some of the earlier, minor ones:

1. The 'War on Drugs'.

This didn't really begin happening, in earnest, until the radical
revolution taking place during the mid to late 1960s.  During that
time, students actually were objective, and took a hard look at the
Vietnam war, and believe America's foreign policy of brute force was
both immoral and not worth supporting anymore.

The 'war on drugs' which never really was a huge issue up until that
time, began in that climate.  I can't describe everything that
occurred during this time frame and still put an honest commentary in
place, but I can say simply that when the establishment is challenged,
they declare a war to defend whatever meagre principles they might
hold to justify why they are doing what they do.

I believe it is important to understand that whenever the
'establishment' is challenged, they choose to start a war, mainly to
obfuscate the 'real' issues surrounding the challenge to their
authority in the first place.

2. The 'war on cigarettes, the tobacco industry, and booze.

Well, this is really great.  This is also a product of the 'fear'
mentality as we speak.  It wasn't enough for government sanctions to
put labels on each and every cigarette container, but the safety
factor that individuals weren't smart enough, on their own, to read
the damn labels, had to be regulated by government edict on shutting
down smoking cigarettes in places where someone else 'might be
offended, or threatened in some degree or another' and certainly NOT
backed up by any credible scientific evidence that any public threat
ever existed at all!

What followed from this was a giant landmark series of lawsuits
demanding restitution from those industries providing products that
consumers chose to purchase on their own merits, despite the
government warnings.  Huge state and federal tax increases on such
products were imposed to force individuals to refrain from making
their own choices.

Because I don't really want to waste too much bandwidth tonight, I'll
skip over several other wars the 'establishment' is waging on you and
I each and every day, and jump into the real one that probably is the
capstone to our civilization at this moment, that is:


Friends.  This is the ultimate 'fear'.  And, if you don't believe me,
just plug into your favourite nightly evening news programme, or
listen the The Shrub Regime's latest forecast of potential threats
propping up around the planet. But with all the other 'wars' going on
all around us, this is simply the same ploy, as all of the rest are,
to place Americans into a state of abject 'fear'.  Since the fall of
the Iron Curtain, the establishment has been searching long and hard
to find a way to instil fear upon those in which it wishes to
control.  Without 'fear' there is NO WAY WHATSOEVER the establishment
can rule the world.  Now that Communism is no longer a giant fear,
other sources for resurrecting fear, and justification for ongoing
war, has become necessary.

I know, and I understand very well, some of you may take some umbrage
over what I am about to say.  But, before you do that, at least
consider who is in charge of most, if not all of this.  It is the
rising tide of neo-conservatism in America and elsewhere that is
largely responsible for making such conditions the status quo today.

George W. Bush is not a Libertarian, and far from it.  Libertarians
are not Neo-Conservatives.  Libertarians NEVER suggest a climate of
false or deceptive 'fear' to advance our agenda.  Libertarians oppose
this Orwellian notion of creating enemies out of nowhere for the sake
of establishing control and dictatorship over the human race.

Give individuals a chance to choose.  That's our message.  Stop this
insanity and end all the ridiculous wars on human progress and human
choice on all issues and at all times.  Libertarians choose choice. 
Individual choice at all times and on all issues.  Let's not let
ourselves get sucked in by the phoney neo-conservatives that presently
occupy the US government, or the alternative Socialist schemes of the
Democratic Party, neither or which speaks with a clear vision for
personal liberty or personal responsibility.

I suppose I've spoken long enough tonight, but I trust I haven't
destroyed too much bandwidth, since I'm hoping many of you might read
this and understand that Liberty itself is far to precious to sign on
the the current status quo, and along with the so-called choices we
are offered by the mainstream media and the establishment that we
ought to oppose at all times and places when we are able to do so.

Kindest regards,
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