Good evening again, Jay!

Forgive me, but I do not recall seeing your reply here before
tonight, but found it while browsing moments
ago, and notice it was also posted to spk.liberty_nw.  Sometimes,
at my age, I miss things until I trip across them later. Sorry.

Jay P Hailey wrote to Frank Reichert...

I previously wrote:
> > What Mr. McManus said was simply this:  "What has guided America
> > during the course of my lifetime, has been the mentality of fear".
> > George W. Bush is not a Libertarian, and far from it.
> > Libertarians are not Neo-Conservatives.  Libertarians NEVER
> > suggest a climate of false or deceptive 'fear' to advance
> > our agenda.  Libertarians oppose this Orwellian notion of
> > creating enemies out of nowhere for the sake of
> > establishing control and dictatorship over the human race.

To which, you replied:
> Here, here,  Frank.  Well said.
> No human being has the right -- under any circumstances -- to initiate force
> against another human being, nor to advocate, threaten or delegate its
> initiation

You know what?  Every day I see this incremental progression of
greater force being codified into law, and the incremental result
of greater use of police powers over our daily lives as a result.

I remember writing this original post earlier this month, and
wondered if anyone paid attention to it at the time.  Jay, I'm
glad that YOU did.  I wrote then, and will mention it only in
passing tonight, John McManus gave that speech in Spokane,
Washington over a decade ago.  That was before the Oklahoma City
bombing of the Federal Building; before the Waco, TX massacre;
and before the first WTC Bombing in NY; not to mention way, way
before, the 9/11 attack (2nd attack on the WTC) on the World
Trade Center.

And what I found was that virtually NOTHING that McManus
discussed that night over one decade ago has changed very much at
all today.  We still live today in an even greater environment
and climate of fear than we did back then.  And it is that
climate of 'fear' that has driven Americans to abandon their
liberties for the sake of so-called public peace and safety!

Thanks so much for the kind words, and I'm so sorry it took me
THIS LONG to get around to discovering what you wrote.  I can't
believe I missed this one.

Kindest regards,

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