Good evening...

shadow wrote:
> As I said in my opening statement, I believe that, barring a miracle,
> Republicans are going to blow their opportunity to use their
> newly-acquired majority to fulfill the promise of finally putting the
> brakes on government. And when they do, fed-up limited-government
> Republicans are going to seriously look at political alternatives in 2006
> and 2008.
> Some will pull a "John Galt" and drop out completely, electing to stay
> home and not vote at all.
> Others will begin actively supporting challenges to Republican incumbents
> in GOP primaries.
> Some will leave the GOP and go "independent."
> And others will seriously consider joining a third party.
> The question, therefore, is whether or not the Libertarian Party will be
> prepared to take advantage of this window of opportunity and finally
> become a true, competitive ballot-box alternative to the Democrats and the
> Republicans.
> So let's talk about that.

That's more than a fair statement. In fact, reviewing much of what you've
said, there is little that I can disagree with whatsoever. I did notice
that you didn't ask the question I always seem to confront, that being,
how much damage can the Republicans truly do to our freedoms during the
next four years, and how much effect will that have on the outcome during
the next national election? 

You're right, absolutely right, that any failure on the part of the
Republicans at minimizing government will most certainly result in broad
changes, and thus a genuine opportunity for the Libertarian Party. There's
a LOT riding on the outcome. 

The Used Kharma Lot
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I am firm.  You are obstinate.  He is a pig-headed fool.
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