shadow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> kindly posted

>"Talk Is Cheap...Let's Go Play!"
>Delivered to the California Libertarian Party Convention
>Chuck Muth
>President, Citizen Outreach
>Los Angeles, California
>February 19, 2005


>Let me suggest a different road to consider.  There are a number of
>high-profile Republicans out there who have governing experience and
>electoral credentials.  They might not pass a libertarian purity-test, but
>they're certainly more in line with limited-government than a whole lot of
>other Republicans.

>And these folks, primarily due to their positions on certain social
>are highly unlikely to win in a Republican Party primary, although they
>likely enjoy considerable support in the general election.  People such as
>former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani or former New Mexico Gov. Gary

Chuck Muth needs to do a little more homework, or he wouldn't put Gary
Johnson & Rudy Giuliani together like that.  Far from the question of a
libertarian purity test, Giuliani is, within the USA, one of the most
anti-libertarian prominent office holders I know of.  Apparently at a
distance from New York City, people have gotten the idea he doesn't fit in
well with much of the Republican mainstream, which is true, but not by
being excessively libertarian!  Giuliani is the type of Republican who
outside NYC would be referred to by many as a RINO, but he's actually much
worse.  Simply put, he's an authoritarian, and a personal power-tripper as
well.  The present occupant of the White House is far more libertarian than
I could ever see Giuliani being.

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