"Jay P Hailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

>>>Also, what about the male nurse who rapes a comatose woman?  Is it ok if
>> he
>>>uses a condom so she doesn't get pregnant?  After all, she can't object.
>>>How can she be a victim?  Isn't your condemnation of such an act a moral
>>>judgement?  (I can't imagine anyone on this list who wouldn't be
>>>by such a thing and think the perpetrator deserves anything less than
>>>full FORCE of the government coming down on him.)

>Since the woman's body is her primary property, the male nurse has
>serious aggression.

Really?  What are the damages?

If someone removes a comatose body (which I guess you refer to as "primary
property") from a 3rd party's RR tracks (yet someone else's property), the
remover is doing things to or on other people's property, but is not doing
any harm.  The remover is at least conferring a probable benefit on the
owner of the body being taken off the tracks, and at least doing no harm to
the owner of the RR tracks.

In the case of the supposed "rape" above (presumably some form of sexual
contact, whether with the penis or something else), there is no benefit to
the owner of the comatose body.  However, things can also be arranged so
that there is no harm to the owner of the comatose body -- i.e. no tearing,
no pregnancy, and (probably most important) no knowledge by anybody else
(including the comatose person) of the act's having been committed.

I can see only 2 types of damage from rape: physical & psychologic.  We're
ruling out the physical damage already.  That leaves only the possibility
of psychologic damage, i.e. hurt feelings.  One's feelings cannot be hurt
by things that don't come to one's att'n!

I suppose I could hunt farther for possible harms in such a case.  There
might conceivably be economic harm in the form of foregone income if the
comatose person were a prostitute.  Any other ideas for harms I might be
overlooking?  If not, I rest my case.

Truly I So Briney,
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