> Really?  What are the damages?

> In the case of the supposed "rape" above (presumably some form of sexual
> contact, whether with the penis or something else), there is no benefit to
> the owner of the comatose body.  However, things can also be arranged so
> that there is no harm to the owner of the comatose body -- 

Okay. two things occur to me.  I find this wrong, but I am going to have to 
take some time and really think about why.

I suspect it's based on an idea of an objective right and wrong,  so I want 
to prepare to argue that point as well

The second thing is -  If the woman was a friend of yours, awoke from her 
comatose state and asked you if some such thing had happened,  would you 
tell her?

I believe in an objective world. I am no good at proving it because I am not 
so well educated in philosophy and debate.

By experience suggests that dealing with the real world, on it's own terms 
is a facet of a healthy mind.

This leads to honesty.  A sense of personal honesty is the block to me for 
saying that a harm which leaves little or no effects, and that no one knows 
of is not really a harm.

This is because the woman's body is still her property, no matter who knows 
what happens to it or not.

What that does is simply delay the harm.  Puts it into a sort of 
Schrödinger's Rape sort of deal where whether or not it's harm depends on 
whether the victim of the abuse ever discovers the abuse.

If the man rapes the comatose woman, is he or is he not a dickhead?  That is 
a question answerable irregardless of whether the woman knows she's had her 
primary property violated.  He sure as hell is a major dickhead.

IMHO this "Major League Dickwad" status accrues to him no matter who else 
externally knows of his act.

Because I don't want to be a Major League Dickwad,  i won't rape any 
comatose women.  If circumstances force me to abuse someone else's property 
or perish, a choice between two wrongs doesn't render the less wrong right.

To make up for this I'd offer to make amends to the person who's property 
I'd abused.

If someone was forced by circumstance to abuse some of my property,  I 
probably wouldn't be too harsh on them "Well, then, clean it up!"

If someone broke into my property and then didn't do much to it,  there is 
harm, it's just *really small* harm. I'd probably let it go.  But the harm 
was in not respecting the "Mine-ness" of the property.

We live in an imperfect world and when you split the hair far enough you 
have to expect some signal noise.

But the Male nurse in the example above reads a class ten dickwad, clearly.

Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
MSNIM - jayphailey ;
AIM -jayphailey03;
ICQ - 37959005

Believing in yourself is the beginning of wisdom.

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