On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 04:30 -0800, Conster wrote:
> Good wee hours of the morning Bill from Insomniac Connie
> On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 13:38:42 -0700, Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >Neat thing is, I wasn't kidding. ;)
> >http://www.marshome.org
> >
> >That's me and my group. :D
> >Cheers,
> >Bill
> As I red your first post regarding living on Mars, I pictured Marvin
> the Martian getting ready to blow up Earth as it obscured his view of
> Saturn and Bugs Bunny thwarting Marvin's every attempt. And the
> ending, when Bugs came out of the sewer saying "Run everyone, or we
> will be up to our armpits in Martians."
> Given that, I just visited the URL. I honestly didn't read a whole lot
> as I'm tired and so breezed through it, though LOVED the pictures.
> It's just awesome to me that we can see a place that no man has ever
> seen (that we know of). The barren ground, which looks HOT. I hate the
> heat.

If only it was hot. ;) Unless you count 15 degrees F hot, it's not
exactly suntanning weather. :^D

> Sincerely Bill, would you truly like too live on Mars. 

It's been my dream as long as owning a Vette has been. One down, one to
go. :)

> I could dig the moon. 

"Dig" being the operative word. To live on the Moon would require
massive underground digging. Mars, on the other hand, is livable and for
the most part entirely self-sustainable with little effort. Given we've
found a frozen "sea" of water less than a meter (and in some areas a few
centimeters) below the surface, all you need is power. Expect to see
that in Nature magazine  March or April (I don't remember which) and
soon after all over the news. Sci-Am might have it already.

That gets you water, which also gets you O2 and Hydrogen. The hydrogen
is used for reacting with the atmosphere to provide fuel (and more air)
as well as the catalysts for plastics. It is truly astonishing how much
Mars has to offer, and staggering how relatively easy it is to utilize.
We have the technology, and have for quite some time.

Indeed terraforming it to provide a livable atmospheric pressure (though
not breathable) and moderate temperatures could be done w/in 10-20 years
of planetfall of the first settlers. But that's not my department. I'm
only in charge of agri-industry determinations for MHP (Mars Homestead

Mars Beachhead Project is an offshoot of the aforementioned MIT
sponsored MHP. It's a redirection of the settlement plan to a more
reasonable timeframe (i.e. it has one) and is a lot more fundamental.
I founded it to produce a better plan, once based more in agriculture
and textile industry precursors. We hope to have a Mars Analog site in
the next 5 years or so. Jeff Bezos (Amazon.com) has donated some land to
the project in Texas to build a "replica" (the analog), but MBP is
likely to be here in Idaho. One advantage to that is proximity to the
MDRS: Mars Desert Research Station in Utah.

But I digress. Just to make this on-topic, how many here would go to a
Free Mars? ;)

> Watch as the world disappears in beautiful blasts from some cool
> weapon.

And with it your life support. ;) 

> BTW, speaking of Satan.. It isn't President Bush. I have proof. I went
> out and paid $21.95 at WallyWorld to buy "Exorcist-The Begriming". I
> make no bones that I love slasher flicks and gotten most of them on
> DVD now as my library builds I watch a movie at night while I'm trying
> to go to sleep.

One of my few wishes re: my wife. She doesn't like them. :( 

>  I saw the Exorcist at a Drive-In (way back in the dark
> ages, with the crappy speaking hanging in the window) and I was so
> terrified I kept my Bible under my pillow and my head under the covers
> (hiding from the Devil) for 3 weeks. The joy of terror at 21. I may be
> somewhat jaded.. and this is off topic I know.. But what a rip off!!
> I jumped maybe once at one of those scenes where it's really quiet and
> something jumps out at you. But the original "Exorcist" didn't need
> those sleazy tools. It was just out and out spooky stuff.

Hear, here! The original Exorcist is still number one in fear-inducement
IMO. "Split-pea soup special effects" and all. :) Fear isn't jumping at
a special-effect "boo". Exorcist was more of a thinking type fear.

> So, even though we think most Politicians are in league with the devil
> at times.. If they are, it just ain't very impressive.

That or the devil got screwed in that deal. ;)

Random Fortune of the moment:
Fortune's Real-Life Courtroom Quote #3:

Q:  When he went, had you gone and had she, if she wanted to and were
    able, for the time being excluding all the restraints on her not to
    go, gone also, would he have brought you, meaning you and she, with
    him to the station?
MR. BROOKS:  Objection.  That question should be taken out and shot.

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