Dave Laird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

>> With this ruling, all they may be entitled to is "just
>> compensation" which, I guess, might not even be the standard
>> market price.

>Yes, and that is where I have the most problem with this ruling. Just
>compensation typically puts the decision in the hands of the courts, and
>given a long and bloody history, the courts nearly always seem to lean in
>the general direction of which side has the most expensive attorneys. Thus
>in the game of the developers with deep enough pockets to afford good
>legal counsel versus land owners who can barely afford their medical
>costs, it seems a foregone conclusion that the developers have a
>considerable edge. 

Not just that, but in determining what's "just" for real estate, courts
typically discount certain factors:

(1) Loss of business by relocation of a storefront.

(2) Appreciation.  It is frequently thought "unjust" for someone to have
gotten "lucky" due to increases in land value.  On the other hand, if the
land and/or bldgs. have DEpreciated, they'll tend to take THAT into

(3) Sentiment.

The excuse is that the market price is not a good guide, because the
anticipated development has raised land prices there and in its
surroundings -- that the anticipation of very the process which includes
the taking has distorted values.

OTOH, sometime properties are condemned and the owner gets a sweetheart
deal, such that they actually benefit at taxpayer expense.  In effect,
because of political connections, the robbery is in reverse: a taking of
tax dollars to reward a property owner, with the jurisdiction receiving
less in value than was paid for.

I came across the appraisal-offer-and-settlement (or judgement) figures for
properties taken 90 years ago for the Bronx River Parkway (Bronx River
Reservation), and they make it look like a lottery.  Most got less than the
appraisal, but a few got much more.

In Your Sly Tribe,
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