On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 20:46:00 -0700, Dave Laird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>Good evening, Frank...
>Frank Gilliland wrote:
>> Address the crime, not the illusion that your neighborhood will be
>> free from crime if you make the criminals live somewhere else.
>BUT, until someone in the government actually *realizes* there is a
>problem and takes action, the only alternatives I have open to me as a
>"model citizen" is to simply force them out of my neighborhood, in the
>hopes that other neighborhoods will do the same. The other alternative,
>petitioning the government for action, never seems to have much effect.

Sure it does. You remember Megan's law? The Amber Alert system? The
changes in DUI laws that were due primarily to the actions of MADD?
Those are just a few I remember offhand, but I'm sure there are plenty
of other examples that I've never even heard about.

>I, personally, cannot stop the crimes from taking place, nor even address
>the existence of the child molester's support groups, which you mentioned,
>as well. All I can do is maintain vigilance, make certain Level III
>offenders do not move into my neighborhood, nor threaten my loved ones. 

I think you missed the point: sexual predators don't limit their
territories to their own neighborhoods. Even if forcing them to live
somewhere else -did- reduce the risk of crime in your neighborhood, it
would consequently -increase- the risk to some -other- neighborhood. I
don't think you mean to suggest that it's ok for these animals to
molest and kill children just as long as they don't do it in your own
backyard, but that's essentially what you are saying.

>This, and educating other neighborhoods about their rights and
>responsibilities when one of these creeps move into the neighborhood is
>about all I can do. I simply do not trust the government to do the "right
>thing" by the taxpayers anymore. 

Intimidating landlords to conform to your will is -not- all you can
do. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees you the
right "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". It
doesn't work all the time, but it does work when the issue is as
important as this one. What congressman would dare vote against a bill
that requires longer and stronger penalties for sexual predators? If
you want to educate the public then let them know that they can fix
the -source- of the problem.

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