G'evening, Bill...

Bill Anderson wrote:
> Attacking the head of FEMA in opposing FEMA is as counterproductive as
> you can get. The problems with FEMA have nothing to do with who is in
> charge. They are institutional, matters of scope and scale, and
> organizational.

I simply *love* the way people assume so much about FEMA. I was in Central
Missouri one time when the the Mississippi River flooded over its banks.
FEMA made matters worse than if the "locals" had stayed outside town
filling up sandbags. At least *they* were being productive, and whether or
not FEMA was in town had little to do with the outcome. 
> Heh, interesting sig to come up on this one.
> --
> Random Fortune of the moment:


The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project 
An automatic & random fortune for the Minute:    
USING A FROG for a leader is the same as a blind seeing eye dog for
his GUIDE.  It is curious that a DOG runs already on the ESCALATOR ...
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