Good evening, Dave!

Dave Laird wrote to Frank Reichert...

As reported, by Dave, I probably previously wrote:
The ONLY problem here is and has been your paranoia over not being able to control what I and others chose to post on other NNTP news server accounts, including supernews and You chose to block such posting from reaching the kharma news server, hence no bi-directional traffic existed.

I probably DID write this, because historically, this has been true, at least over the last couple of years since my return from the Philippines.

However, you wrote:>
As usual, Frank, you don't bother to get your facts straight; no such
paranoia exists. The fact is, I was working more than a few hours each day
desperately *trying* to get the return path working properly. I no longer
have to worry that, because the damage is done.

Point is, Dave. The nebulous 'return path' hasn't worked very well since you invited spk.liberty_nw back into the mainstream of usenet news over TWO YEARS AGO! This entire experiment has been a major disaster from the getgo! Again, permit me to explain that mainstream servers have a relatively flawless interface between themselves, e.g.: supernews and usenetserver; and kharma has had one hell of a horrendous time interfacing with either of them. My facts are correct. is dysfunctional. Your server cannot, or will not, interface properly with the USENET backbone, which is exactly why I jurked the email interface from for spk.liberty_nw last week. Pure and simple. It's a done deal. Now, explain HOW you figure you can make this work properly when other usenet backbone accounts seem to be able to do it properly, regularly, and all the time?

I also allegedly wrote:
You were even so paranoid as to block my own personal email address from
your system, which is uncalled for, since NO ONE ELSE has found any
problems with my email host for over a decade, accept you.  The real
reason of course is that you wanted me to use your server to configur
and handle my mail, and since you couldn't control that either, you
pulled a bunch of crap that created this current sordid mess.

To which you replied:
I blocked your e-mail address over five years before for SPAM. I have had
and continue to have a zero-tolerance for mail servers that are used to
deliver SPAM to ANY of my domains, and each time I unblock it, the SPAM
begins again. What I did want you to do was get a mail account that at
least had someone handling abuse complaints.

This is a bunch of crap and you know it! My email address has NEVER been a source for SPAM! I have maintained the same email address for well over one decade or more! In fact, I probably have one of the very best mail hosts that block spam than you probably in your wildest dreams could imagine.

In short, you are playing a silly, control freak game. You, sir, invited spk.liberty_nw back. I was the one, and ONLY one, who coordinated that possibility via Bill Anderson's interface with NNTP, and you have managed in the space of the last two years to totally screw all of that up, all over your paranoid penchinct for maintaining control over a dysfunctional USENET system!

In over more than a decade of NNTP intercourse, USED_KHARMA.NET is by far the most dysfunctional server that I have ever had to deal with on any level! That is a fact. NEWS.KHARMA.NET has no functionality in terms of bi-directional capability, and it has been proven to be dysfunctional in all respects.

Bill Anderson and myself set up satifactory gating procedures for spk.liberty_nw.

The truth is here, folks, the gating broke down, only because of the gating irregularities which have been ongoing over the past several years with Dave Laird's news server. He has refused to fix the problem, and probably is indeed the source for all such gating problems and functions.

Kindest regards,

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