Good evening again, Dave!

Dave Laird wrote to Frank Reichert...

I previously wrote:
1. The post above, which I made, was sent via not webusenet. I have a paid account with, and have never heard of webusenet in my entire life. Wondering why you brought a provider into this equation that by all practical explanations had nothing to do with the above correspondence.

Take a look at the PATH statement, Frank.

I did. 'Webusenet' is not in the Statement, and you already know that, now don't you?

I block all your e-mail, Frank.

Well, that wasn't necessarily your stated case about a week or 10 days ago, was it? You seem to relish the idea of blocking email from trusted addresses, particularly when nevertheless they are reliable and trusted addresses, when you have an axe to grind.

You DO need to know, that as of tonight, I am dropping my account with This is the ONLY, and I mean ONLY, usenet source on the usenet backbone that supports in any way! That means of course, that I will no longer be visible on your fallacious set of paranoid controlled discussion groups such as, but not limited to: and a host of others. I will as of tonight, not communicate with any of these groups any longer, period. They are gone, mainly because on the usenet backbone, they don't exist anywhere anymore except of course on your own feabile server that is of no consequence to the rest of usenet.

So. Block away by old friend. You are certainly, most certainly, blocking yourself into a hole of your own creation and making, trust me! You, sir, dug the hold, jumped into the hole, and will be buried into the hold, and that is your choice, not mine.

That's because it was cross-posted to the newsgroup which
I still carry. It also was cross-posted to spk.phoenix and spk.heartland,
as well. It would stand to reason it would reach me.

So. If you get real annoyed with me, why not simply axe spk.heartland and spk.phoenix as well? You are hopelessly paranoid my friend, and to do this the proper way, with all expediency, just surround yourself with what you can finally control, your own server. Block away to your hearts content. Shut off anyone and everyone who might find a way to try and tell you that YOU have a problem. No one else seems to have the same problems as you perpetually do!

<evil laughter is heard> Try sending me an *e-mail* message, Frank. It
will end up in a holding folder that I rarely, if ever read. I still carry
a good-sized portion of the spk.* hierarchy, just not spk.liberty_nw.

Exactly my point entirely! Thank you! Again, your choice. You are paranoid Dave. You are the consummate of a control freak. As Roger Erdman once wrote to me, you are indeed a 'legend of your own mind', UNQUOTE. He was certainly right.

From my perspective, you are the greatest fence builder of sorts that I have experienced in my own lifetime. That says a lot after 57 years, now doesn't it? At least you got the 'Evil' part right.

That sort of paranoid semi-delusional raving is the very reason I dropped
spk.liberty_nw from my news server and from my life. I admit there have
been troubles getting propagation from world news servers BACK to Kharma.
I've spent nearly six months trying to rectify things, and as of as little
as a day ago, worked extensively with several upstream sites to rectify
and refine matters even further. I never ignored them. The truth is, the
reason I received your message is the problems are nearly fixed, although
we are still working on them.

No. You got this entirely wrong, as usual. Spk.Liberty_NW was, and perhaps may be entirely a viable forum, one in which YOU wanted to control for your own purposes. When you couldn't control it, you decided to sabbatoge it. And, sir, you have been trying to do all of these things for over a decade or more.

To bring this just a bit closer to home, you are a delusional manic 400 pound man that only wishes to participate on a scale in which you have been proven to be outclassed. YOU sir, are NOT a journalist and never have been a journalist. You have wrongfully misrepresented yourself as an expert in terms of a technical and experienced cyber knowledgeable technician to the detriment of a lot of people, including Roger Erdman who saw through your deceit and facade. You sir, are still a giant fraud.

In short, forgive my words. You are a sick bastard that, in Roger Erdman's own words, worships yourself, as a person who 'might have been', but never were or possible could be!

You have, sir, managed to destroy yourself in your own degenerate manner of destroying everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, who ever wished to even try and be your friend. And in that, you are truly disgusting.

As I wrote just earlier, this may perhaps be my last contact with as I am jerking my account with the last perhaps, feed that still has anything whatsoever to do with you. Again, that was YOUR choice, and certainly not mine to make.


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