Good evening again, Dave!

Dave Laird wrote to Frank Reichert...

I previously wrote:
The truth is here, folks, the gating broke down, only because of
the gating irregularities which have been ongoing over the past
several years with Dave Laird's news server.  He has refused to
fix the problem, and probably is indeed the source for all such
gating problems and functions.

To which, you replied:
Then please explain to everyone how your message, posted to webusenet's
news server, ended up disturbing the tranquility at Kharma. Make certain
you include the full path statement of your original message. How did it
get here? You didn't post it on Kharma, but on webusenet. Please be brief. Thank you.

You'll have to excuse me here, because a couple of things are pretty damn confusing.

Let's review what you just wrote, shall we?

1. The post above, which I made, was sent via not webusenet. I have a paid account with, and have never heard of webusenet in my entire life. Wondering why you brought a provider into this equation that by all practical explanations had nothing to do with the above correspondence.

2. You claim you have blocked all of my personally originated messages coming into your network system by your firewall, and other means to block traffic originating via my local ISP. If this is the case, then blame your own blocking devices, because I did not make any end run through your firewall through any of my own devices at my disposal. Therefore, you should be asking yourself the above question, and not me, since you claimed that you have blocked out not only my ISP, but also my paid mail provider and host, which is NETADDRESS.

Now, this raises yet a third and disturbing problem you seem to have, namely:

3. Your selective way of claiming to block unwanted traffic, yet somehow it ends up on your server anyway. Now THIS is really interesting. I'm wondering exactly how this could have happened at all, since you previously claimed to have shut down various spk.* hierarchy forums on your own system, nevertheless, you seem to be getting traffic from forums that no longer even supposedly exist at all on your system!

Seems to me, you can't have it BOTH ways. Either you carry the various spk.* hierarchy forums or you don't. Either you have blocked me OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM entirely, or you haven't.

Now this raises yet another troubling problem, namely:

4. How is it anyway that my basic problem with your system has always been that originated messages I sent to spk.liberty_nw via my account with almost NEVER migrated across to you even when you allegedly had it supposedly up and running all the time???? NOW, you suggest that this traffic is coming in when you have deleted the majority of the spk.* hierarchy, AND have placed a block on my originated traffic!

So, to answer your question as to how possibly I may have been disturbing the tranquility at Kharma, I believe, sir, this is a question you may have to ask yourself, since I never honestly thought such a thing could be possible based upon your own announcements of blocking my personal email, and eliminating me from such a circumstance ever happening again.

Your above accusations tell me one thing however. You selectively do receive traffic, likely all of it, but you selective pick and choose what you wish to flow to the newsgroups, and probably your own personal [EMAIL PROTECTED] email account.

Which is why, in previous correspondence, I have suggested you very well may be plagued with a severe case of paranoia. In any case, why blame me for disturbing the tranquility at kharma when you supposedly have taken the necessary steps to block out such personal traffic, even eliminating the spk.* hierarchy forums in which I participate.

Kindest regards,

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