"Douglas Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

"There are so many issues on which I disagree with Ron Paul that I could not
vote for him in good conscience. For starters, it is clear that he is not
merely anti-foreign aid (a viewpoint I share to a degree) but anti-Israel,
which in and of itself would make it hard for me to back him. I also believe
he is an anti-Semite, so I wouldn't vote for him on that basis. I'm
pro-choice on abortion and he's pro-life, but that isn't that big an issue
for me.

"I think Paul is totally clueless when it comes to foreign matters, the most
clueless person to seek the White House since Jimmy Carter, who was either
the worst or 2nd worst president we ever had (depending on how much you
blame the Civil War on James Buchanan's incompetence), and also, not
coincidentally, an anti-Semite as well."

What'd Ron Paul & Jimmy Carter do or say that leads you to believe they're

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