On 5/20/07, Robert Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Ben Irvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

"Our years of meddling around in Middle-Eastern affairs militarily, made
America a lighting-rod for all those that are devoutly Muslim.  The Muslims
did not hit Mexico, or Japan, etc. (both have more infidels that the USA)."

But they hit Indonesia, Spain, India, France, and Somalia.

They were really hitting Australia when they hit indonesia.  Spain was
in the middle east when they were attacked.  India has been fighting
pakistan for decades now.  France...  When did they hit them?  The
riots?  That was over unemployment and generally racist attitudes of
the native french.  Somalia?  That is more of a civil war type event.

I like your guilliani summary below.  I remember some of it but you
having been in NYC the whole time knews him much better than I do.

   America has between 3 and 5 million Muslims, and the number is growing
   Contrary to what Republicrats like to babble, Osama et. al is not a
radical Muslim
   that has hijacked a great religion.  He is immensely popular with most
   as he lives the Koran and Sharia law.  Let's deal with Islam here in

How would you recommend it be dealt with?  Should "we" (as indicated by "let
us") infiltrate Islam by training clerics who will oppose that form of Islam
which is a threat?

"If you want real ID, a disarmed America, and buy in to the myth of radical
support the little fascist from New York City."

What's so vexing to me is how Giuliani has any significant following among
libertarians.  Considering as how he was the terror of Wall St., pot
smokers, small biz, and dissenters in gen'l, it seems a huge price to pay
for getting rid of squeegee artists and privatizing some real estate.  I'm
afraid many are superficially seizing on his rep as a "moderate Republican"
or "social liberal", and don't realize that that just means he's anti-gun,
pro gay privilege, and for the status quo re abortions.  Doug, however,
doesn't have that excuse.

Look how Giuliani lucked out at every step in his political rise.  He became
a US att'y in the New England region first, got booted politically and
gravitated to NY where he got to know securities law until the GOP came in
again and needed someone, so he got to be US att'y in the southern dist. of
NY.  There he grabbed the spotlight by turning on those in his milieu and
parading them in handcuffs before the cameras, capitalizing on the envy
factor to make himself a "man of the people", regardless of the merit of the

Then he played that New York political game by which the grass roots are
split by other demagogues, leaving yourself as the alternative.  The GOP in
NYC rolls over to anyone with credentials, the Liberal Party was for sale,
and the Committee of 100 Democrats, who were always on the outs, saw a way
in by forming the Fusion Party, and together they backed Rudy twice for
mayor as the white alternative against Democrat Dinkins.  Dinkins did a bad
enough job once that voters decided on Giuliani the next time.

Giuliani surfed down the wave of declining crime to get a rep as someone who
tamed New Yorkers, carrying him to a 2nd term vs. weak opposition which
somehow kept the gen'l election close anyway.  (The leadership of the
Conservative Party succumbed to corruption too, endorsing rather than
mounting opposition to him.)  Then he got a huge wave of sympathy as his
city was terror-struck.  He even formed a security consulting firm which
went belly up when it became apparent he had no expertise on the subject,
but not before he'd been in the spotlight again consulting with leaders
around the world.

And now he's a GOP front runner on the basis of all that plus his coalescing
the "dissent" vote on the GOP's national stage.  While the mainstream of the
GOP is divided among possible presidential contenders, he emerges as the
"uniter" who may not agree with them on the issues but is considered a
viable compromise who's not closely tied to the sinking ship of Bush or the
Republican Congress of the past decade.

In Your Sly Tribe,

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