On Sun, 2011-11-20 at 12:59 +0100, Astron wrote:
> That's an idea, but in my eyes even letting the user choose the of
> handles they want to use is unnecessary complexity.

        Well - I'm all up for that view too :-) Tim wanted to remove it at the
time, but I restrained him to avoid problems.

>  But I kind of see
> what you're getting at here... maybe it would be a good idea to turn
> on a different set of handles once LibO uses a screen past a certain
> ppi setting (say, 150 ppi) or has detected a high-contrast theme.

        Yep - removing the setting from the UI, and just auto-detecting it
might be a quick, partial solution.

> Then, there is a practical "problem": we already use the 13*13 handles
> in some situations [1], therefore we'd need (new) 15*15 handles. That
> bit of course is only some copy/paste/enlarging action away.

        Right, which requires re-layout / extending of the image.

> >> I think that is not correct. I measured the anchor (in Gimp) from my
> >> screenshot and it seemed squished in both directions (ie 23*22).
> >
> >        Hey ho :-) Tim is still chasing it, while doing other things.
> Great. By the way, I tried on a friend's laptop with LibO 3.3 and the
> bug wasn't present there.

        Oooh ! are you certain ? that is quite interesting.

> You're absolutely right. I'll fix that next time. Unfortunately (?),
> I'll have to make the deselected points lighter.

        Or the selected points darker ? the alpha fumbles the color I guess.

> > there also seem to be some minor gluepoint /
> > vertex alignment issues, but whether that is in the underlying
> > draw-shapes, or not it's hard to say: they look pretty awful in the
> > previous 3.4 code, that's for sure :-)
> My bad, I think – I have replaced the 7*7 blue cross with a 9*9
> deselected glue handle (now same size as the selected one)...

        I don't think that is it really; I like the more visible, larger 9x9
glue-points personally, and those images should be centred based on
their size, so I'm not sure that that is it.

> [1] e.g. Open Impress/Draw. (Activate Big Handles.) Switch to Points
> mode. Create a curve. Press Ctrl-Tab. The first of the handles should
> now be alternating between 11*11px and 13*13px size.
> Or: Open Impress/Draw. (Activate Big Handles.) Click on a text field.
> The top left handle should be a 13*13px handle overlaid by a 9*9px
> handle.

        Sure :-) of course, as long as the thing animates life is fine - we
could feasibly use a smaller size as the notification for larger handles
though ... [ actually that is quite easy, from your patch I think this
is done via the 2nd call to  'GetNextBigger' in GetOverlayObject - which
we could specialise to 'GetSelected' do some magic for large ones, and
fall-back to GetNextBigger for other cases.



michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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