
Thomas, you again spread Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts - FUD. I
cannot take your statements seriously.

That's fine.

I am curious if you think that the ~40 year old Free Software Movement
is doing an effective job of spreading the actual practice of software
freedom, and even the awareness of the option and what it means for
human freedom?

And if I want to point busy city officials or others who
could benefit from changing their practices to some web page
that will help them help themselves with that, smoothly
and efficiently, what page would you suggest?  What educational
materials will help someone like that?

How will potential users find those materials if I say simply
"check out"?

What steps has FSF taken in recent decades that have helped
with this kind of problem?  Is the "free software ladder"
concept meant to do this (that isn't my understanding of it
so far)?

Similarly, say, a college student not in
computer science or anything close to that?  or a
professor who may be tempted to require students
to use unfree software -- where can they quickly and
easily check for a better option?


On 2022-05-11 20:44, Jean Louis wrote:
* Thomas Lord <> [2022-05-12 03:26]:
All the more reason why this is a valuable idea
for an organization whose primary purpose is spreading
education and real world use of libre software systems.

Meanwhile, there is whatever the FSF is trying to do
which is entirely unclear from their web site.

This reminds of a few years back when I wanted to point
city officials in Berkeley to some online resource where
they could quickly learn about software freedom and about
available software -- and I discovered that nothing on
the FSF web site was at all adequate to this.

Thomas, you again spread Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts - FUD. I
cannot take your statements seriously. -- it is very clear what FSF does straight from
their website.


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