* Thomas Lord <l...@basiscraft.com> [2022-05-13 03:49]:
> And I wish to add that I think I offend some FSF
> fans by saying I think the underlying cause is that
> the FSF has somehow lost sight of two critical goals:
>   1. Education for the general public.

You say it "lost sight" -- that is again spreading of FUD, Fears,
Uncertainties and Doubts. 

FSF Financial Information — Free Software Foundation — Working together for 
free software

The audited financial statements are made haven thanks, by
professional, and not by some troll. If FSF would lose its sight to
work on its purposes, it would lose its status of being a non-profit,
tax free organization.

>   2. Promoting (through action, through help) far greater
>      intentional, direct use of libre software (including
>      the more widespread exercise of all four freedoms --
>      not merely the recitation of why they are good).

And that is what FSF does. But if you wish to make it stronger
intentional, how about a project proposal from your side?

In other words, you wish to apply for a position in the FSF as you are
complaining with its management. Make a project proposal, try to
improve something, rather than just talking without objective substance.

> So I see something like this need of some people to break
> free of twitter and wonder why the free software movement isn't
> all over such opportunities, with resources, and coordination,
> and support.

GNU project promotes decentralized social networks since long time.

GNU social

then from there on, other people developed various other software like
Pleroma, Mastodon, etc.

Before making a statement, please, make a research.

I was there, and I have installed GNU Social and people use it. 

Did you install one instance yourself?

I was there when Mastodon came, but I was using GNU Social, later I
have installed Pleroma instance and people use it.

Did you install one instance yourself?

Do something about it strongly intentional yourself. Then your FUD
questions will become more substantial.

> And then I look at the FSF, who I think should be working on that,
> and get depressed about "whatever happened to the free software
> movement"?

Please don't blame FSF for your personal problems. Depressions are
solved elsewhere.


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