Date: Sat, 02 Mar 2002 07:53:53 +0000
Subject: Re: FAQ TIME! (was: Re: [LIB] So who makes an 8.4mm drive?)

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply ..

"Tom Stangl, VFAQman" wrote:

> Subject: FAQ TIME! (was: Re: [LIB] So who makes an 8.4mm drive?)
> This has been covered TONS of times in the Archives.

[T] Ok ...

> Tim, I really suggest you read through the Archives before rehashing questions
> that have been covered soooo many times before.

[T] Well, I sorta have? I have found *some* answers, questions I didn't know I was
going to ask and files etc but, like any 'published' information it's potentially
'out-of-date' the second it hits the page? I read the archives, draw a conclusion,
go off and find the item mentioned only to be told later by the (active list) "Oh,
we don't use them any more!"? ;-(  I ride a motorcycle and hence subscribe to
several biking lists and we often see the same old "what is the best tyre for this
bike" etc question popping up. The answers are often different each time as tyres
become obsolete, new models introduced and fashions change. The 'archives' rarely
reflect these particular changes?

> Also, go here -
> Read it all.  It will really help, it helped me in the beginning.

[T] Been there, read most of that! (It is a brilliant site though ..) now
*understanding* or *remembering* it are a different matter Tom! ;-)

> But to answer your question, 9.5mm drives fit FINE in the 50/70 and 100/110, you
> just have to remove some small spacers from inside the machine, or you might
> stress the mb and break the RAM solder joints free.

[T] Hmm, there seems (from the list) to be a little undercurrent of folk with dead
Libbys who supposedly removed the spacers etc though Tom ..? (My reserved,
non-risk-taking, Engineer, Virgo nature says "buy an 8G 8.Xmm drive...)

All the best and thanks again Tom ....

T i m


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