Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 22:13:34 +0900
From: brett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] 2GB Toshiba PCMCIA Card Hard Drive $12.xx after rebate!

possibly true about that buy out... I see already on eBay someone is selling
many of them.


Matthew Hanson wrote:

> Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 08:28:54 +0000
> From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] 2GB Toshiba PCMCIA Card Hard Drive $12.xx after rebate!
> >From: "Tom Stangl, VFAQman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >It does not say one per person or household, just one per product.
> I was stumbling over the wording for that.
> >The only way you'd be sending fraudulent multiple submissions under this
> >wording is if you copied the UPC and tried to redeem 2 rebates from one
> >product.
> Sounds right, but they're almost LOOKING for someone to buy out their stock
> in one swell foop.
> >Drat, here's what I got about an hour after placing my order:
> >----------
> >Thank you for placing your order with Gateway Accessories Store.
> >
> >The following item from your order is currently on backorder.  While we
> >cannot deliver the item as quickly as anticipated, we expect to deliver
> >within 30 days.
> >Now I'm going to have to figure out if I cancel the order.  If they send a
> >receipt dated the day it ships, it will most likely be outside of the
> >rebate period.
> Their tech support is open 24/7, but the Gateway Accessory Store phone
> operates"
> "Gateway Accessory Store Order Assistance (for orders placed after
> 5/1/2002): 877-285-6043 [Mon-Fri 5am-11pm (PST) and Sat-Sun 10am-6pm"
> If someone hasn't already done it by the time I'm up, I'll call them and see
> if they can tell me what the deal will be with their being out of stock, and
> the date for qualifying for the rebate coming in a few days.  Though they
> probably have no contol of it since it's Toshiba that's isueing the rebates.
> This deal has already been running for a number of days.  No doubt one or
> more people have already ordered large lots that dried up their suppies.
> However I think it was Gateway I ordered some 110 memory from when they were
> out of stock, and they were restocked and shipping in a couple of days.
> Matt
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