Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 20:58:49 -0500
From: David VanHorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] Li-ion cells

>>HTML costs you points.
>>It's like golf, more points is bad.
>So then the 1.4 points is for a specific amount of HTML, not 0%-10%?  
>Otherwise 0% HTML giving 1.4 points makes no sense.

Probably they didn't think to say 0.5%-10%..

>Hmm strange did it flag the last and current emails?  If not, why was that one 

Nope, these are fine. 
I think the URL included is what pushed it over the edge. 

>That's pretty good, but 1500 emails a day is pretty scary.

Tell me about it. 
I pull email on the road, but leave it on the server. 
When I get back from a week on the road, it usually takes 5-20 mins to pull the mail, 
over my cable modem. 

Then if there's any large attachments....

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