Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2004 22:22:00 -0800
From: "Cerulean Skies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Red stripe on L100 screen

Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 22:11:35 EST
Subject: Re: [LIB] Red stripe on L100 screen

In a message dated 1/6/2004 7:42:23 PM Mountain Standard Time,

> This L100 has always had this red stripe down the right side if the screen.
> But I've noticed that it changes color slightly to violet or I think even
> green at times when I adjust the lid angle. And at other times, it's not
> there at all. I notice whether or not it's there the most at boot against
> black DOS screen.
> The fact that it's not there sometimes makes me think it may not be a
> defective or aging screen, but a connection problem. I'll disect things and
> have a look at some point. But I was wondering if anyone else has seen
> this.

You bet. My L100 started out with no line, but developed a red one on the
LEFT side, but only in DOS screens at first, Now it's in DOS and W98, and it
also changes colors when I move the lid. Definitely let me know if you discover

Yeah I whined about something similiar to the list a while back.
I had a white line going across the very top of the screen about 2 years ago. It slowly grew to about an 1/8" stripe over a year, then one appeared on the very bottom, slowly grew, and in the last few months a stripe appeared right across the middle of the screen. =P
If I flex the screen just right, the stripes would change color and disappear, so it's either a cable problem, or some wires delaminating from the glass...

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