Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 09:53:42 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] W98 Power Saver Glitch

At 02:14 PM 9/01/2004 -0800, you wrote:
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2004 23:17:24 +0100
From: Philip Nienhuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] W98 Power Saver Glitch

> In a message dated 1/9/2004 4:48:07 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> > My experience is that the Toshiba Libretto Power Saver (which is started
> > from system.ini as "pwrsave.vxd") always resets the BIOS hibernation
> > setting to "boot".
> I'vre read that elsewhere, but as I said, somehow on my last go-round with a
> W98 install everything worked, at least for awhile. Hibernation, Standby,
> Powersaver profile in Power Management... Sorry, I guess I'm just whining now.

The catch is that indeed _for W98_ hibernation does work OK (because
AFAICS Win98 fiddles with the BIOS hibernation setting), but in case of
multi-booting other OS-es on the same Lib it does not work for them
(because they do not know about Win98's fiddling with the BIOS).
So if you just run Win98 on your Lib, don't bother.
On my Lib, where I run several operating systems, this pwrsave.vxd
bug/"feature" is a big PITA.

Those OS-es which have hibernation built-in, like Win2000 and Linux
kernels later than 2.4.21 properly patched with swsusp, don't suffer
either. But even then, one may hope that in case of overheating and a
subsequent BIOS event, hibernation outside of the operating system (i.e.
BIOS hibernation) will work if the relevant BIOS setting is not
"hibernation". Hopefully the OS will get an ACPI instruction to
hibernate, but perhaps it doesn't work that way at all. Anybody out
there who knows the details?

I know that whenever possible, if the libretto overheats or otherwise malfunctions in a way that gives the BIOS a few seconds, it'll hibernate for you (in my experience, Win2k doesn't trap this). I also found that if you suspend with the battery below about 5% or so (regardless of how it suspends - Win98 suspend, Win2k's suspend, etc.) it'll suspend then a few seconds later spring back to life for a little while whilst it hibernates (presumably so if the battery does die you won't lose your state).

The thing is, if you dual boot, you can still have hibernate in the other operating systems. I'm triple booting Win2k, Win98SE and RH Linux 6.2. I've got hibernation working in Win2k (both the OS's own hibernation as well as the Libretto's own hibernation if it panics) and suspend working in the other two operating systems. In the BIOS my power-up mode is hibernation. AFAIK my BIOS settings haven't changed since Win95 (when the OS could initiate a BIOS hibernate) though so I'm not sure what you mean by Win98 twiddling with the BIOS settings.

- Raymond


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