Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 03:43:23 +0000
From: "Matt Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] MaxBlast allegedly able to move Lib100 hibernation area?

From: Philip Nienhuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here's an excerpt from a message from Dr. Xin Feng in a reaction to a
maybe too snappy message by me:

My head's still spinning from tests and reading up on MBRs and partitioning. But I just read through that thread on Xin's forum Philip, and saw the 3rd point he made in responding to your post:

3) Even if you partitioned a drive as described in 1), DOS scandisk will still kill all the partitions after the first 8GB. Without an overlay, DOS simply cannot see more than BIOS can, no matter how you partitioned the drive. .... <snip>

1st. I think you correctly replied saying that scandisk most probably didn't delete any partitions. I don't think scandisk is >capable< of modifying partition table data, is it? I've let scandisk run in DOS many, many times after a system lockup on my L100 with the 20GB HDD and 3 partitions, and it's always scanned C:. D:, and >8GB E: clearing up problems without any problems.

But 2ndly... Xin's saying that DOS isn't capable of seeing any more than the 8GB HDD that the Lib's BIOS is capable of seeing. That's what I'd been assuming for years now. But as I reported in my last post to the list here, I've removed EZ-DRIVE from my 40GB HBB, booted it from a FD with only, drvspace.bin, io.sys and msdos.sys on it, and was able to access my >8GB E: partition and copy files from it back to the A: FD!

Thanks to John M. and David C. for pointing to int 13 extensions for reading on how an older system can be made to see >8GB HDD space. But with no drive overlay loaded, and booting only from a basic MS-DOS FD, why then am I still seeing my >8GB E partition?

Unless EZ-Drive is leaving something behind when I uninstall it, I can only explain this by thinking that one or more of those 4 boot files might actually support int 13 extensions as part of MS-DOS v7.x (??), or Win4.1 (??) DOS OS.


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