Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 20:58:59 -0700
From: "Tory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] MaxBlast allegedly able to move Lib100 hibernation area?

> Hi Tory!  Welcome to the list.  Good to see a few people here and
> still getting interested in these little pets.  ;-P

I've known about them for years, but just recently managed to get one
(Libretto 110ct, 64mb ram, 40gb Fujitsu HD, DVD-To-Go decoder card,etc).
It is a fantastic "daily-driver" compared to my 7+ pound Thinkpad A21p
:) It feels pretty nice to be able to always have a machine with me for
those times that I don't need use of a full desktop-replacement.

> >
> >Mine had no overlay software at all.
> Are you talking about installing an unpartitioned  HDD that was fresh
> the factory?

I bought it with a 10gb IBM HD and the first thing I did was yank it and
put the 40gb in - straight out of a factory sealed static bag.

> >Fdisked in Linux, installed Win98SE
> >to an ~8gb partition at the front of the drive, with a 30gb extended
> >partition at the end of the drive.
> At what point did you create that 30gb extended partition Tory?  And
> what?
> >Booted with a dos boot disk (Win98
> >setup disk). Fdisk reports total drive size of 8.x gb, with
> >showing of ~8gb (fat32), 22mb(non dos - Linux boot), 120mb (Non dos -
> >nonsense hibernation space), and a 30gb extended partition.
> At what point in the process did you install Linux, and set up those
> partitions?  Where they created during the installation of Linux?

Here's (a slightly simplified, as it took a few tries to get right) how
it went:
1) Installed minty fresh blank 40gb drive in Libretto.
2) Using a w98 boot disk, I fdisked and formatted a just-shy of 8gb
3) Using a USB cdrw (attached to the enhanced port replicator) and the
single required USB Installation boot disk, I booted partway through an
install of mandrake 9.2. After finding out that the graphical fdisk in
the mandrake install didn't give me enough control, I switched to a
console and used manually created the following partitions:

First Primary: The pre-existing fat32 partition created by win98
Second Primary: ~25mb EXT3 partition for booting (cylinders 1014-1016?
The maximum partition I could make using win98 went to 1017, 1018-1024
being for the hibernation space, I think.
Third Primary: ~80mb (cylinder 1017-1032? I don't remember exactly.)
Nonsence partition for spacing out hibernation. I should have just left
it blank.
Extended partion was the remaining 30gb or so, containing:
4gb EXT3 logical drive - Linux /
1gb EXT3 logical drive - Linux /home
25gb Fat32 logical drive - Data partition.

After some monkeying around, I got W98 and Mandrake both up and running
fine - completely without ever installing overlay software. From a dos
boot disk at this point, the win98 fdisk showed ALL the partions, with
proper sizes - ie:

P1 - 8gb - Fat32
P2 - 22mb - Unknown
P3 - 80mb - Unknown
P3 - 30gb - Extended partition

However, the bottom of the screen said total drive size was 8xxxmb.

My theory that the FDISK read the partition table for the pre-existing
values and just printed them, whether or not they made sense. Creating
or modifying drive partitions would use the (incorrect) values taken
from the BIOS.

Something strange had happened, and my 25gb fat32 logical drive got
corrupted, which is why I was looking at Fdisk in the first place. I had
also forgotten just how sick of win98 I was, so I formatted the whole
thing and put Win2k on there with Mandrake this time, also with a
slightly larger blank space instead of the junk partition as the
hibernation placeholder. The other partitions are basically the same.

Hope this clears things up a little.

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