On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 10:16:13PM -0500, Kevin Atkinson wrote:
: Some one in personal email said:
: > This is what proper design of header files is all about.  Don't put
: > what you don't want used in the installed header files.
: I just KNEW someone would say that. The thing is programs that USE the
: library use a different part than those who IMPLEMENT part of the library.

Of course.  That's why you don't install private header files - just the
public ones.  Building the library happens inside the source tree where
you have both private and public headers.  When you build against the
library, it is installed and only public headers are available.  Also,
setting up a <MYLIBRARY>_INTERNAL define in the library build setup will
help you trap unwanted access of private header files...

  Lars J

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