Le samedi 21 avril 2012 10:50:29, Jose Pablo a écrit :
> It seen you guys are taking the project  by force

My feeling, exactly. I was writing a response going in this direction in the 
other thread you posted in (which I noticed after replying here). Here it is:

To libusbx team:

Please understand that you are technically abusing sonames.

Of course, you can argue you are only adding functions, not changing existing 
ones hence not falling in a case where soname change is required by the 
book... Then what should happen to libusb now that/when it lacks functions 
existing in another "libusb-1.0" ? Move to another soname ?

I was originally quite exited to get more API to wrap in python-libusb1. Now 
all I can feel is sympathy for Peter: he was here first, he got to choose a 
soname and now has enough "market[1] share" to be able to reasonably claim it 
as his. Because there were not enough releases in libusb, you now effectively 
prevent any further release or force him to follow your API additions... Is 
there any difference with taking over libusb project ?

[1] You may replace "market" by anything you prefer: audience, popularity
    (as in debian's "popcon")... That's the meaning I intend in it in this
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