(replying to both mails)

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 3:24 AM, Pete Batard <p...@akeo.ie> wrote:
> (but then again, does there exist a non-hostile fork?)

Management-wise, I'm convinced it indeed doesn't exist. It takes some
serious motivation to spend time to create a fork and gather a team
behind it, which should always come from some political disagreement.
I see the large team which formed behing libusbx as the proof that
there is some serious disagreement.
Though, I believe it is wrong to bring hostility to technical level
(ie, soname choice).

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 3:36 AM, Pete Batard <p...@akeo.ie> wrote:
> OK, on that subject

My intent in my mails is centered on that subject, actually. Sorry if
it wasn't clear.

> I'd have libusbx everywhere, starting with soname, header
> name, directory names, as well as API prefixes.

I think this would be The Right Way (tm).
Sadly, I'm not comfident enough in my C skills to offer my time to
write a compatibility layer so libusbx can be a drop-in replacement
while using a separate soname. I believe I would do a terrible job
(naive, so repetitive and a pain to maintain) and would probably fail
to deliver it early enough to be of any use.

Vincent Pelletier

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