On 2012.04.21 10:57, Vincent Pelletier wrote:
> Le samedi 21 avril 2012 10:50:29, Jose Pablo a écrit :
>> It seen you guys are taking the project  by force
> My feeling, exactly.

Which is not surprising, as, in case you haven't followed discussions on 
the libusb mailing list over the past few years, you should realize that 
this is a hostile fork (but then again, does there exist a non-hostile 
fork?), prompted by by the fact that the sole libusb maintainer for the 
past 18 months, Peter, has continuously refused to pay any attention to 
the advice of many of the core list members, let alone requests from 
libusb users, and very openly ignored the many people who had an issue 
with his vision. Among many fairly damaging things, he appears to 
consider that not producing a release for 2 years, despite 250 
accumulated commits, is OK as long as you say "sorry it took so long"...

Therefore, please understand that this is not a "We wanted to add new 
APIs but they were rejected" kind of fork but an "Unless we take action 
now, libusb is going to die" kind of fork.

> To libusbx team:
> Please understand that you are technically abusing sonames.
> Of course, you can argue you are only adding functions, not changing existing
> ones hence not falling in a case where soname change is required by the
> book... Then what should happen to libusb now that/when it lacks functions
> existing in another "libusb-1.0" ? Move to another soname ?
> I was originally quite exited to get more API to wrap in python-libusb1.

Then you shouldn't consider libusbx as another version of libusb, with 
each one offering different features and with the ability to coexist.

Instead you should consider for what it is: a means to abandon the 
unhealthy libusb project if, as we think everyone should by now, you 
have concerns about its future.

> Now
> all I can feel is sympathy for Peter: he was here first, he got to choose a
> soname and now has enough "market[1] share" to be able to reasonably claim it
> as his.

And yet he has repeatedly displayed complete disdain for libusb users, 
such as yourself, by not releasing any new version or only doing so as a 
response to a fork.

If you can't ready a release in 18 months, despite plenty of features 
and bugfixes, or, as has been his norm, delay the processing of 
important patches for months, then whatever "market share" you have can 
only be considered as up for grabs.

> Because there were not enough releases in libusb, you now effectively
> prevent any further release or force him to follow your API additions...

The fork wasn't prompted by a disagreement over adding a new API. The 
API additions are only a by-product of having our own fork and, for lack 
of a better analogy, being freed from Peter's tyranny.

> Is there any difference with taking over libusb project ?

Hopefully not.

At least as far as I'm concerned, I would say the sooner libusb dies and 
libusbx takes over, the better it will be for users.

Unfortunately, this very much requires users realizing that libusbx is 
indeed the better alternative, which means understanding the reasons for 
the fork and why we had very little choice but to try to take over the 
libusb project in our own fork.



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