Hi Warren,

I wrote some comments on dealing with javascript from a scraper for this list. You can find the comments, e.g. at http://www.codecomments.com/message443297.html - It doesn't sound like that's really a solution to your problem, however, since presumably you want to test the javascript produced by the cgi.

An other alternative, if you are using Windows - there is a iex-based implementation of Mech, *Win32::IE::Mechanize* <http://search.cpan.org/author/ABELTJE/Win32-IE-Mechanize-0.008/lib/Win32/IE/Mechanize.pm> which uses Internet explorer instead of libwww as the underlying browser implementation. I have no idea in what state the code is or whether javascript works, but it might be worth looking into (and I'd really appreciate hearing some feedback on how it works, because I have this problem, too ;-) ).



Warren Pollans wrote:


I've been using WWW::Mechanize to automate testing of cgi scripts - works great!

The problem I'm running into is "trying to deal with scripts that use javascript" - so far, I've had to ignore them or, at least, those widgets/forms that rely on javascript. Googling hasn't led anywhere besides statements that Mech doesn't handle javascript - I got that far myself :-)

Is there a way to get Mech to handle javascript? Has anyone been able to do this? Anyone working on it? Or have I missed something?

I really like being able to test from my unix box instead of having to find a windows box to run quicktest pro or winrunner on.



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