Hello, I have a LWP application that POSTs thousands of small files to a mod_perl server. All POSTs *under* a certain size (around 3k) seem to take about 200x as long as those over. In this case about 0.09 seconds as opposed to 0.004 seconds.

After much debugging I narrowed the issue down to TCP latency and discovered I can get around the problem by setting TCP_NODELAY on the socket.

My workaround is redefining the LWP::Protocol::http::_check_sock() method and adding a setsockopt($sock, 6, 1, pack("l", 1)). This tweak significantly improves performance on small POSTs but feels like a total hack.

Can I be sure that the _check_sock() method will always be there? The function itself doesn't do anything so I assume its just a hook. Is there another, better way to do this? Thanks much.


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