On Friday 20. September 2013 23.18, Pirmin Braun wrote:
> > I assume you know that you can sell your software even though you use
> > the GPL or other Open Source License.
> yes. But anyone can give it free away as soon as he's got a copy. Also it's 
> freely accessible from subversion and source forge. 
> I'm thinking of a "tunneling EULA".

That's what makes it Free and Open Source software.
If any user cannot do that, the software is no longer Free and open Source, and 
some of us will warn people from using it.

> No matter how the copy got to the end user, even as part of a dervied work 
> under different license, 
> I want to get my share from the big commercial end user.

You can't use a Free and Open Source software license to do that, and I think 
you will not get such a license aproved by OSI.
If the software cannot be used by commercial companies for commercial purposes 
without a license fee, then it is not Free and Open Source software.

You need to choose. Either it is Free and Open Source software, which means any 
user can use the software for any purpose anywhere, including purposes that you 
or your company doesn't agree with,
or it is proprietary software which restricts it's use, like you explain in 
this thread. (The requirement of license fees is restricting the use.)

Johnny A. Solbu
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