Am Tue, 24 Sep 2013 12:07:01 +0100
schrieb Cinly Ooi <> :

> Unfortunately, people standing here are not going to modify the Open Source
> Definition so that you can charge a subset of users. Freedom to
> redistribute is the cornerstone of the Open Source. We cannot change it,
> even that wee bit, just for you. I believe when drafting the definition,
> situations like yours were already considered. As I see it, you are not

If it was only my situation, I wouldn't have asked. But I'm also an Open Source 
Evangelist and FSFE member and have detected this common pattern with Open 
Source projects becoming mature, usable, successful. They don't fit into the 
Open Source world any longer and start escaping into dual licensing, Open Core, 
closed source forks or only older versions remain free. Not only the projects 
are lost but there is also a brain drain of programmers. Another brain drain 
pattern: talented young programmers turn away after their first half finished 
Open Source project for a real job. Whether this was considered or not, I can 
imagine a better overall situation but it all boils down to breaking the money 

Pirmin Braun - IntarS Unternehmenssoftware GmbH - Am Hofbräuhaus 1 - 96450 
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