Just Jetty on the server. Maven/Jetty while developing. (I'm not that 
dumb.) :-)


Timothy Perrett wrote:
> I agree - it does seem like we should really be doing this by
> default.
> Even chinese, hebrew and double byte languages will be good using
> UTF-8 right? Is there a reason someone might want to set it to another
> encoding / collation other than UTF-8? I cant think of one right
> now...
> @chas - from your previous post, are you saying your using maven on
> the server for production?! or did you just mean jetty...?
> Cheers
> Tim
> On Mar 16, 4:23 am, Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Argh. I even thought of that but setting it *after* the request had been
>> accessed (by Lift internals) appears to have no effect. I suppose there's
>> some caching going on there. Any possibility we could add a control to
>> LiftRules? Something like:
>> var totallyBrokenDefaultPostCharsetHandling = false
>> Where a false value means we automatically set the request charset to UTF-8
>> and a true value means that we don't touch the request. My expectation given
>> that we're already 9 years into the new millenium (yeah, yeah, only 8) is
>> that *everything* on the net would be UTF-8 unless explicitly forced to be
>> something else.
>> Derek
>> On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 8:34 PM, David Pollak <feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 2:07 AM, Charles F. Munat <c...@munat.com> wrote:
>>>> That's got it. I added it to the FAQ on the wiki.
>>>> Thanks, David! Wish I'd been smart enough to ask this a week ago!
>>> I bloodies my head with that one for a good couple of weeks.  Glad it's
>>> working.
>>>> Chas.
>>>> David Pollak wrote:
>>>>> Folks,
>>>>> Please make sure you've got this method in your Boot.scala class:
>>>>>   /**
>>>>>    * Force the request to be UTF-8
>>>>>    */
>>>>>   private def makeUtf8(req: HttpServletRequest) {
>>>>>     req.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8")
>>>>>   }
>>>>> And also in the boot method, put:
>>>>>     LiftRules.early.append(makeUtf8)
>>>>> By default, various app servers (Tomcat is the worst) does not use
>>>>> UTF-8... I mean WTF... the web is UTF unless otherwise specified.
>>>>> Anyway... please give that a try and let me know if it works.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> David
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Derek Chen-Becker
>>>>> <dchenbec...@gmail.com <mailto:dchenbec...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>     OK, I can replicate this in our PocketChange app (also going against
>>>>>     a PostgreSQL DB). Let me dig a bit.
>>>>>     Derek
>>>>>     On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 3:58 AM, Charles F. Munat <c...@munat.com
>>>>>     <mailto:c...@munat.com>> wrote:
>>>>>         This might help, but I don't think I was clear. I have an online
>>>>>         form.
>>>>>         My clients enter text into it. Their text has characters like a
>>>>>         c with a
>>>>>         cedilla. That text gets saved into a PostgreSQL database (UTF-8)
>>>>>         varchar
>>>>>         field via JPA/Hibernate.
>>>>>         Then I pull it back out and dump it into a template, and it
>>>>>         comes out
>>>>>         gibberish. If I try using &ccedil; instead, I get &amp;cedil;
>>>>>         back out.
>>>>>         Here is what I have:
>>>>>         "name" -> SHtml.text(thing.name <http://thing.name>, thing.name
>>>>>         <http://thing.name> = _, ("size", "40"))
>>>>>         If I enter "cachaça" in the field, I get cachaça back out. The
>>>>>         weird
>>>>>         thing is that sometimes when I copy and paste text from another
>>>>>         document
>>>>>         into the form, it works. But if I use the keyboard, it fails
>>>>>         every time.
>>>>>         I'll play around with this. Thanks.
>>>>>         Chas.
>>>>>         Derek Chen-Becker wrote:
>>>>>          > Oops, forgot scala.xml.Unparsed, too:
>>>>>          > scala> val m = <span>a{ scala.xml.Unparsed("&ccedil;")
>>>> }b</span>
>>>>>          > m: scala.xml.Elem = <span>a&ccedil;b</span>
>>>>>          > That one might be what you're looking for.
>>>>>          > Derek
>>>>>          > On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Derek Chen-Becker
>>>>>          > <dchenbec...@gmail.com <mailto:dchenbec...@gmail.com>
>>>>>         <mailto:dchenbec...@gmail.com <mailto:dchenbec...@gmail.com>>>
>>>>>         wrote:
>>>>>          >     I think it depends on how you're embedding them in the
>>>> XML:
>>>>>          >     scala> val m = <span>a&ccedil;b</span>
>>>>>          >     m: scala.xml.Elem = <span>a&ccedil;b</span>
>>>>>          >     scala> val m = <span>a{"&ccedil;"}b</span>
>>>>>          >     m: scala.xml.Elem = <span>a&amp;ccedil;b</span>
>>>>>          >     scala> val m = <span>a{"ç"}b</span>
>>>>>          >     m: scala.xml.Elem = <span>açb</span>
>>>>>          >     That last one was input using dead keys (alt+,) on my
>>>>>         linux (USA
>>>>>          >     International with dead keys) layout. Let me know if this
>>>>>         doesn't
>>>>>          >     help; if not, could you send the code/template that's
>>>>>         having issues?
>>>>>          >     Derek
>>>>>          >     On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Charles F. Munat
>>>>>         <c...@munat.com <mailto:c...@munat.com>
>>>>>          >     <mailto:c...@munat.com <mailto:c...@munat.com>>> wrote:
>>>>>          >         I have a site that uses a lot of "special" characters
>>>>>         (a remarkably
>>>>>          >         biased description, since there is nothing "special"
>>>>>         about accented
>>>>>          >         characters to the people who use them daily). In
>>>>>         particular, I
>>>>>          >         need the
>>>>>          >         c with cedilla and the n with the tilde.
>>>>>          >         These characters are being input to a database
>>>>>         (UTF-8) via an online
>>>>>          >         form, then spit back out onto the page.
>>>>>          >         It's a fucking disaster. Apparently, everything goes
>>>>>         through the xml
>>>>>          >         parser, which is great, except when I try to enter
>>>>>         these as entity
>>>>>          >         references, such as &ccedil;, the parser changes & to
>>>>>         &amp; and
>>>>>          >         I get
>>>>>          >         the literal &ccedil; back out again.
>>>>>          >         When I type ç using the keyboard (or copy and paste
>>>>>         it from a
>>>>>          >         page or a
>>>>>          >         text editor), I get gibberish.
>>>>>          >         Anyone know the trick to getting around this? I need
>>>>>         everything
>>>>>          >         from e
>>>>>          >         acute to e grave to trademark and registered
>>>>>         trademark symbols,
>>>>>          >         and I
>>>>>          >         need to enter them this way.
>>>>>          >         Thanks for any help. If I can get this to work, I'll
>>>>>         add an
>>>>>          >         explanation
>>>>>          >         to the wiki.
>>>>>          >         Chas.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
>>>>> Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
>>>>> Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
>>>>> Git some:http://github.com/dpp
>>> --
>>> Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
>>> Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
>>> Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
>>> Git some:http://github.com/dpp
> > 

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