Im hosting several sites on a single jetty install - its working perfectly
right now. Are you not familiar with the virtual hosting options in jetty?
Its pretty well documented on their wiki and will let you host from the root

Someone can correct me if im wrong, but until servlet 3.0 spec comes out, I
believe were only supporting comet in Jetty. So if your planning a move to
Glassfish, you'll loose the comet support.

Can you not use the context deployer in jetty to do what you need?



On 16/03/2009 13:07, "Charles F. Munat" <> wrote:

> Right now I'm running about a half dozen instances of Jetty (one per
> site). I'm starting them with java -jar ..., and stopping them with kill
> -9, which I think is a total hack. To find out what's running, I do a ps
> aux | grep jetty. Seriously? In 2009?
> With Glassfish (or Geronimo or equivalent), I get a nice interface and I
> can deploy pretty easily. I can see exactly what's going on. I can start
> and stop servlets easily, and I can set things up to restart
> automatically on server reboot (instead of writing a shell script).
> And I'm hoping that despite the higher overhead of Glassfish, that when
> I get enough sites in there it will be lower than running that many
> separate instances of Jetty.
> There may be other things I'd like to play with as well (access control,
> etc.).
> The thing that holds me back is that when I deploy multiple sites to
> Glassfish, a site like is actually deployed to
> That extra context in the path is a showstopper. But
> I have been unable to figure out how to get rid of it.
> I'm open to other suggestions, but there has to be some way for me to
> host multiple sites with some sort of interface and an easy way to
> deploy, restart, monitor, etc. them.
> Chas.
> Timothy Perrett wrote:
>> Phew :)
>> Out of interest, why do you want to use glashfish rather than jetty?
>> Tim
>> On 16/03/2009 10:08, "Charles F. Munat" <> wrote:
>>> Just Jetty on the server. Maven/Jetty while developing. (I'm not that
>>> dumb.) :-)
>>> Chas.
> > 

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