Hi lightning devs,

Proposing myself to organize next year's LN Summit in Africa, with a rough
date somewhere in June 2024.

There are a lot of reasons to hold a summit there. Africa is a beautiful
continent, there is a rich cultural and historical past, a lot of
fragmentation in the financial systems of the 56 states that can be solved
with a compatible payment protocol, an explosive demography with a lot of
energy to get things done, more and more Lightning developers coming from
this continent and formidable perspectives to grow "full-stack" local
Lightning economies.

Usually, we don't announce the organization of CoreDev or LN Summit on open
communication channels, as there is a goal of serenity of the engineering
conversation (and as we would like to avoid being trolled by BSV fans or
tabloid-style of journalism). For this time, given the operational
challenges can be a bit more complex (e.g visas travels, "tropical
weather"), better to have this announced far ahead [0]. Operations and
financial resources should be okay, though nice if we have a
multi-stakeholder approach, "skin in the game" from a bunch of folks is the
best way to guarantee fairness and transparency of the process.

If you have any objection to my personna contribution to the organization
of the LN Summit 2024, thanks for letting me know during the coming weeks,
either in public or on this thread, or privately by mail. As usual, I'll do
my best to set strong transparency and accountability standards. In matters
of open-source, talk is cheap, better to speak by your actions.

With any project, the best advice is always to start small, so the first
step sounds to be to survey all the countries with reasonable operational
stability that can fit the location (Algeria, Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria,
etc). I'll look into it and share the feedback privately to the Lightning
attendees (based on neutral and technical proof of works heuristics),
somewhere at the end of the summer.

Setted up a dedicated communication endpoint for this:

If you're a LN dev, don't hesitate to reach out if you wanna to be part of
the organization, this is a good opportunity to transfer knowledge between
generations of contributors.


[0] Already co-organized the CoreDev event in Zurich back in 2021 so I do
have already the operational templates.
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