Carl Sorensen wrote:
> Does before-title-spacing apply at the top of the first
> page, or only between scores?

"before-title-spacing" does *not* apply at the top of the
first page, even when print-first-page-number is #t (to
force a header).

> Does between-scores-system-spacing apply only to the case
> where there are two scores without a markup between?

AFAICT, yes.

> Do we consider a header as part of a score or not?


> If we don't consider the markup to be part of a score, I
> like the term score-score-spacing.  To me it says it
> controls the spacing between the last system of the first
> score and the first system of the next score.  If that
> meaning is right, let's keep the name.  If that meaning is
> wrong, let's change the name.

I believe that the meaning is correct, so your vote is to
keep "score-score-spacing"; that's fine by me.

> Also, if system-markup-spacing only applies to the
> distance between the last system of the first score and a
> markup that comes after the score, then it should be
> score-markup-spacing, IMO.  If it applies to the spacing
> between a system *in a score* and a markup *in the same
> score*, then it should be system-markup-spacing.

"system-markup-spacing" (a.k.a "before-title-spacing") does
not apply to a system and markup in the same score, so your
vote is for "score-markup-spacing"; that's fine by me.

However, by extension of this logic, and to be consistent,
we should then change "after-title-spacing" to
"markup-score-spacing", as opposed to

This leaves:

------------           -------------
top-system             top-system     (no change)
top-title              top-markup
between-title          markup-markup
after-title            markup-score
between-system         system-system
before-title           score-markup
bottom-system          system-bottom
between-scores-system  score-score

I'm fine with these changes, but now I'm confused by
something else.  After playing around with a bunch of
settings, it seems that headers and footers are neither
markups nor scores, yet they influence spacing, and there
are no variables like "after-header-spacing" or
"before-footer-spacing".  What variable can I use to set the
'padding between the last system and the footer?  Or do I
just use bottom-system-spacing, and then the program
automatically moves the last system up to prevent colliding
with the footer?

By the way, the annotate-spacing output is not very helpful
here.  No, that's too kind; annotate-spacing is so unhelpful
it's essentially broken.  When I have more time, maybe I'll
submit a bug report.

- Mark


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