At 00:11 17-9-03 +0200, you wrote:
My real problem is: where does it end? We can add quarter tone
accidentals by doubling the alteration field,
we now have

            0 = natural,
            1 = sharp
            2 = double sharp.

We could do

   0 = natural
   1 = 1/2 sharp
   2 = sharp
   3 = 3/4 sharp
   4  = double sharp,

would that be sufficient, or will we get someone clamoring for 1/3
sharps shortly?

Well, I don't think people will start mumbling about 1/3 sharps really fast, because as far as my knowledge goes, that's pretty hard to achieve...(correct me if I'm wrong - I'm only a simple composer molesting the piano all day..! ;)
But I would recommend the quarter-tone system used in atonal music for woodwinds (considered by Kurt Stone in 'Music Notation in the 20th Century' to have reached a near standard-status - and this was written in 1980).
In this system they use a 1/4 sharp and a 1/4 flat (which looks like a regular flat but written backwards), besides, of course the regular sharp and flat. This means that if someone writes for instance a 3/4 sharp C, this would enharmonically be a 1/4 flat D.

The Tartini-sharp style, with its 1/4 sharps (which looks like a normal sharp but one vertical line missing), normal sharps and 3/4-sharps (with three vertical lines), can cause a very messy score image, where a page with 1/4 sharps, 1/4 flats and normal sharps and flats, doesn't or at least causes a much less messy image of the score.
This is why I recommend the quarter-tone system used in atonal music for woodwinds.

Han-Wen, I expect that you're in posession of 'Music Notation in the 20th Century' by Kurt Stone, since you mentioned it in your bibliography list. If so, I'd recommend (if you haven't already done so) to read page 68-69 to see what Stone wrote about it. In case you don't have the book (and for others who are interested), I'll scan the pages and put up a link sometime today.


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