Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

My real problem is: where does it end? We can add quarter tone
accidentals by doubling the alteration field,
we now have

            0 = natural,
            1 = sharp
            2 = double sharp.

We could do

  0 = natural
  1 = 1/2 sharp
  2 = sharp
  3 = 3/4 sharp
  4  = double sharp,

would that be sufficient, or will we get someone clamoring for 1/3
sharps shortly?

of course there exist many microtonal scales, which people ARE using, but built-in support for these can be justifiably regarded as excessive. if one can modify the number of staff lines and incorporate custom symbols (both possible now), then individuals can deal with these special circumstances as they arise.

quarter-tone accidentals, on the other hand, have a long history of common usage and are well-entrenched in the current notational lexicon available to composers AND readable by performers. in my many years of work as a performer in the field of avant-garde concert music, i have run into quarter-tone notation MANY times, but can't recall a single instance of other microtonal divisions in printed music. i DO know folks who work in the microtonal area, but the performance and instrument-building skills required generally limit those activities to a few folks.

bottom line: performers and composers generally know about and are comfortable with quarter-tones, so they should be included.


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