I provided a bad example in my previous attempt in an effort to be minimal.  
Here goes with one that actually illustrates the issue:

I ran into some seemingly odd output when using \cadenzaOn and \cadenzaOff.

According to this:


...it is clear that using \bar "|" will not reset accidental display rules.  
What it doesn't say is that even placing \cadenzaOff *before* the \bar "|" 
doesn't do so, either.  Here is the example from the manual with an added key 
signature and a slight rearrangement of the input for illustration.

\version "2.18.2"\version "2.18.2"

\score {
  \relative c' {
    \clef F
    \key a \major
  r4-\fermata cis4 ~
  cis8.-[ \grace { dis32 cis bis cis } dis!16-] e4 ~
  e32-[ dis e dis-] cis-[ bis! c b-] a-[ gis a gis-]
  \cadenzaOff %% cadenza is off
  \bar "|" %% new measure
  g8-[ e' dis! cis-] %% why is cis with accidental/how do I suppress it?

I understand that simply placing \bar "|" won't reset the accidental behavior 
but it is curious that a \bar "|" after \cadenzaOff also doesn't do so 
immediately.  That is not clear from the documentation. In the above example 
the cis in the final measure has an accidental while it is necessary to write 
'dis!' in that same measure.  Obviously this is due to accidentals contained 
within \cadenzaOn - \cadenzaOff but it is mysterious that this hangs on *after* 

So, two things:

1) The documentation seems somewhat wanting in this case.

2) How do I suppress a single accidental?


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