----- Original Message -----
> From: "Noeck" <noeck.marb...@gmx.de>
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2015 3:55:07 PM
> Subject: Re: cadenza_and_accidentals-take2
> A naive question: Could the \cadenzaOff command be changed in a way that
> it automatically implies the end of a measure at that point. Perhaps I
> overlook cases where this is not wanted, but where I use this command, I
> want a bar line and a new bar starting with beat one right after it.
> Any comments?
> Joram

I can think of instances where the end of a cadenza might not be at the end of 
a measure.  If a cadenza took place in the middle of a measure, then what?  You 
certainly don't want a barline appearing there.  I recall thinking at some 
point that perhaps LilyPond would count up the stuff not between \cadenzaOn ... 
\cadenzaOff and place barlines in the correct place (it doesn't).  That is 
perhaps too much heavy lifting on the programming side and there may be reasons 
other than that for not doing it that way.  It could well be that the current 
state of affairs which require either;

1) setting the end points of the cadenza so that everything at either end of 
the cadenza adds up to a full measure


2) making the whole measure a cadenza and setting the measurePosition value to 
correctly place the next bar line and measure number increment

...may be the least troublesome.


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