At 10:49 on 28 Mar 2015, wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Andrew Bernard" <>
>Yes, I have accidentals in the cadenza section.  As I stated, however,
>in the final measure the cadenza has been ended and a bar line has
>been crossed so the key signature is in full force again.  All
>accidentals from the previous measure are now null and void.
>Obviously, LilyPond is behaving the way it does.  My point and
>question still stand:

The reason is because you have forced the barline to appear, but
LilyPond still thinks it is in the same bar for the purpose of
accidentals. It's not a "natural" barline so you need to tell
LilyPond where it is in the bar. Before \bar "|", add the line:

\set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 4/4)

and all will be well without forcing any accidentals.

Mark Knoop

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