On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Kieren MacMillan <
kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Hi David,
> > When I used Finale, I was dissatisfied with a lot
> Who wasn’t (or, poor souls, isn’t currently)?  ;)

In retrospect, I really should have stuck with Score at the time--which I
abandoned mostly as a matter of convenience.  (Not regretting at all my
switch to LilyPond, of course!)

> > it never even occurred to me to speak up and request a fix. Even if I
> thought that my idea would be incorporated, it certainly wouldn't happen
> before the performance!
> Well, let my example be a lesson to you: during the decade or so that I
> paid The Finale Tax, I submitted dozens (maybe more than 100?) bug reports
> and feature requests, and by the time I gave up on that application (IIRC,
> 1999 was my last upgrade), not a single fix or feature was *ever*
> implemented. Not one.
Hmm, good thing I never tried!

At the time, I simply took the software--any software--as it was given.  It
was switching to LilyPond that actually made me aware that I could have an
active relationship with a piece of software.

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