Hi guys,

I'm trying to learn how to use lilypond to typeset orchestral material. 
Handling large projects is fun but good documentation regarding this is hard to 
come by. I'm still a lilypond novice and my Google-Fu has let me down, I need 

I'm using my own orchestration which i engraved in Sibelius a while back.

This is my original sibelius score i.e.: the "ideal":
http://i.imgur.com/fIQJN8v.png <http://i.imgur.com/fIQJN8v.png>

And this is my lilypond output so far:
http://i.imgur.com/g2OL258.png <http://i.imgur.com/g2OL258.png>

Since this is a rather large project i use git to track my learning curve. 
Source files: 

%%I've circled and numbered things in my lilypond output that i need help with.
1) The title. Is there a sensibale way to adjust font/fontsize and placement of 
the title? (this is most likely an easy thing, but it would be nice to hear how 
you guys deal with it)

2) This is the wierdest thing. Double up of time, clef and tempo, what is on 
earth have i done wrong? 

3) I want the beams to and from rests, with stemlets, like so: 
http://i.imgur.com/62wXphp.png <http://i.imgur.com/62wXphp.png> 

4) I want the beams to stretch 4 8ths and break if necessary. My puny attempt 
thus far looks bonkers. 

5) I tried making a scordatura using a snippet from LRS. Perhaps my eyes are 
playing tricks with me, the font size seems off, to large?

%%General questions
6) I also wonder about parts creation. How do i set it up? 

7) When i did the Sibelius engraving, i came to the conclution that A3 was the 
proper page format. Once i've entered my music, will lilypond scale the score 
to fill the entire page, like it does with A4, OR; do i need to make 
adjustments to font and/or staff sizes?

8) I've searched far and wide but have not found a way to make large/huge time 
signatures. This is what i really want (from Adler): 
http://i.imgur.com/Jn971jP.png <http://i.imgur.com/Jn971jP.png> 

9) Where to i place system wide events, like repetitions, time and tempo? In a 
single voice, all the voices or something else? As of now i use the top 
instrument as a "global master", but my gut keeps telling me there has to be a 
better way. 

Thank you for your time.

Med vennlig hilsen,
Carl-Henrik Buschmann

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