To use [ ] on the entire piece is simply not acceptable and surely not the way 
lilypond should work.

I found that it is possible to use:

 \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(2 2) 

which I have tried putting in my global variable. As i showed in my first post, 
this break the beams. Any ideas how to make the beams automaticly span 4 8s?

Med vennlig hilsen,
Carl-Henrik Buschmann

> 20. feb. 2016 kl. 22.02 skrev Carl-Henrik Buschmann <>:
> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to learn how to use lilypond to typeset orchestral material. 
> Handling large projects is fun but good documentation regarding this is hard 
> to come by. I'm still a lilypond novice and my Google-Fu has let me down, I 
> need help. 
> 4) I want the beams to stretch 4 8ths and break if necessary. My puny attempt 
> thus far looks bonkers. 
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