Carl-Henrik Buschmann <> writes:

> To use [ ] on the entire piece is simply not acceptable and surely not
> the way lilypond should work.

To beam or not to beam is a decision.  Beaming across rests requires a
rather dedicated decision.  The autobeamer caters rather for the cases
where the composer does _not_ make an explicit decision.

LilyPond has a number of possibilities to avoid repetitive entry
however.  You can, for example, use something like

<< \mymusic
   \repeat unfold 32 { s8[ s s s] }

to add explicit beams in parallel to some passage written in eights.  Of
course, this beam right across everything.

> I found that it is possible to use:
>  \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(2 2)
> (
> <>)
> which I have tried putting in my global variable. As i showed in my
> first post, this break the beams. Any ideas how to make the beams
> automaticly span 4 8s?

The documentation is quite explicit that automatic beams will not span

David Kastrup

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