Oh yes. Forgot the rests.

On 17/02/2008, Risto Vääräniemi  wrote:
> On 17/02/2008, Kurt Kroon wrote:
> > Oh, yeah ... I was also wondering:
> >
> > What the ... Finnish words for 128th note

The rest names are formed like this.
128th rest:
1/128-osatauko (128-osatauko).

256th rest:
1/256-osatauko (256-osatauko)

For the really long textual versions, substitute nuotti (note) for tauko (rest).

More stuff:
Quarter notes and rests seem to be named as neljännesosanuotti and
neljännesosatauko in the glossary. They are understandable but more
common words are neljäsosanuotti and neljäsosatauko.

More or less the same goes for 32th notes and rests. I don't think the
names in the glossary are really used. I think it would be more proper
to use kolmaskymmeneskahdesosanuotti (32-osanuotti, 1/32-osanuotti)
for the 32th note and kolmaskymmeneskahdesosatauko (32-osatauko,
1/32-osatauko) for the 32th rest.

For the 64th note and rest the names are OK. For written text you can
also use 64-osanuotti or 1/64-osanuotti for notes and 64-osatauko or
1/64-osatauko for rests.


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