Simon Dahlbacka wrote:
FWIW, it seems that Finnish is the only? language that includes the "note/rest" part. ( <>)

And the swedish name for 128th would be
and 256th

Right, so similarly to Danish, for example, words for the corresponding note and
rest is:

128th rest: hundratjugoåttondelspaus
128th note: hundratjugoåttondelsnot
256th rest: tvåhundrafemtiosjättedelspaus
256th note: tvåhundrafemtiosjättedelsnot

For the question about playing in a different octave, the verb is
"oktavera" in Swedish. I'm not sure how I would express myself
if I wanted a music typesetter to use a "ottava bracket" in the notation.



2008/2/18, Kurt Kroon <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

    On 2/17/08 1:09 PM, "Risto Vääräniemi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    > ...
    > More stuff:
    > Quarter notes and rests seem to be named as neljännesosanuotti and
    > neljännesosatauko in the glossary. They are understandable but more
    > common words are neljäsosanuotti and neljäsosatauko.

    Common as in:
    * "Any Finnish person would understand immediately"? or
    * "Any Finnish _musician_ would understand immediately"?

    I'm aiming for the second case -- a "musically correct" name, but
    if the
    "Finn on the street" can puzzle it out as a special use of ordinal
    (which is how it looks to me,  but that's only a guess because I
    don't speak
    Finnish), so much the better.

    > More or less the same goes for 32th notes and rests. I don't
    think the
    > names in the glossary are really used. I think it would be more
    > to use kolmaskymmeneskahdesosanuotti (32-osanuotti, 1/32-osanuotti)
    > for the 32th note and kolmaskymmeneskahdesosatauko (32-osatauko,
    > 1/32-osatauko) for the 32th rest. ...

    Odd ... they're in the table under "Duration names notes and
    rests", but not
    under the individual entry in the Glossary.

    It looks like I have more cleanup to do.


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