On Fri, Jan 21, 2011, Ramana Radhakrishnan wrote:
> I'm curious to hear what packaging methods would be used for things like
> the toolchain which have consumers beyond ubuntu. Are we saying this
> will only be Ubuntu packages or is there consensus around providing
> static tarballs ? 

 For outputs of WGs like gcc-linaro, gdb-linaro, qemu-linaro,
 linux-linaro, u-boot-linaro, ... we expect the official release to be a
 source tarball which can be consumed/integrated anywhere, not limited
 to Ubuntu.
   But as our primary developer platform is Ubuntu, we also package
 these outputs in the current Ubuntu release and we should also provide
 PPA versions for:
 * people running older / stable versions of Ubuntu
 * times when the Ubuntu development repo is frozen (e.g. before an
   Ubuntu release)

> I ask this because I've seen a number of requests about getting hold of
> a binary Linaro toolchain release and not everyone uses Ubuntu as their
> host distribution.

 You mean a CS-style .tar.gz with a standalone toolchain?  This came up
 frequenly; it's a question of whether we want to spend the extra effort
 of supporting this output, and whether we'll be able to manage / we'll
 be interested in the support of the users of such a release.
   I'm sure Michael Hope can expand on this, but I think the main
 argument is that we are interested in supporting packagers integrating
 our toolchain in their distros, but less interested in direct support
 of hundreds of people consuming the toolchain directly -- we'd rather
 crowdsource this to distros.

Loïc Minier

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